1. Procedure and payment method for the products
1.1 At the end of the last 24 hours, Profesional Cosmetics S.A. will send an e-mail to the user, confirming the purchase. Aquest Electronica will assign a reference code for the purchase, and will detail the characteristics of the product, its price, and the cost of sending the different options for the payment of the products to Profesional Cosmetics S.A..
1.2 The user who acquires a product through the botiga haurà of effecting the payment mitjançant the payment systems specifificament detalats to the botiga.
1.3 Profesional Cosmetics S.A. arxivarà els documents electrònics en què es formalitzi the contract, send a copy to the user a vega feta the purchase. The contract is realitzarà in the Spanish language.
1.4 Confirmation of the order sent by Profesional Cosmetics S.A. is not valid with the invoice, but with proof of purchase. Profesional Cosmetics S.A. will send to the coast of the product the corresponding invoice to aquest
2. Right of withdrawal
2.1 The user has a right of withdrawal by which he may contact Profesional Cosmetics S.A. via e-mail [[E-mail]] and give up the purchase within a period not exceeding seven (7) business days, counted from Receipt of the product.
The Product must be sent together with the delivery note or invoice, duly completed, and the customer will be responsible for the direct cost of returning the product. Such refund will be made in accordance with the instructions that Profesional Cosmetics S.A. indicates to the user in response to their notification of the withdrawal exercise. The user must return the product within a maximum of seven (7) days from Profesional Cosmetics S.A. indicating the form of return.
2.2 The withdrawal entails the refund of the amount paid except the cost of 3.90 euros of the return shipping of the product. For this, the customer must indicate in the return sheet the number and the holder of the credit card to which Profesional Cosmetics S.A. must make the payment. The period for such payment shall be that established in the Law.
2.3 The right of withdrawal can not be exercised when the product is not returned in its original packaging and when the product is not in perfect condition.